An Engineer’s Portfolio

In this age of such a global and mobile workforce, it is hard as an engineer to have all of our codes, drawings, and reports together in one place anytime we need them. To minimize the massive stack of papers I would have had to bring to interviews and career fairs, I felt it was best to start an online portfolio. I love learning new things, and enjoyed exploring a very small part of the world of web design and blogs.

With this portfolio, I hope to give a good idea of my skills and talents as an engineer, as well as the work I am proud of from my four plus years of engineering school. Most of these projects are group projects, and I think they showcase well the work that Cal Poly engineering students can do. Because I did not have my team members sign waivers to be on a website, I have removed their names and most of the dates of the projects.

I organized my projects by classes, and the reports that I wanted to share are at the bottom of the page. If you want to learn a little bit more about me, check out the About Me tab.